Please consider donating to the European Journal of Life Writing


Dear Reader,

This year we are celebrating the tenth birthday of the European Journal of Life Writing, which was founded at the Free University in Amsterdam in 2011. We are very happy and proud to let you know that the Journal has gone from strength to strength, with a record number of 53 peer reviewed published articles in 2020, including book reviews and creative work on the subject of life writing.

The European Journal of Life Writing, which is published by the University of Groningen Press, is an open access, peer reviewed journal, featuring articles on all aspects of life writing within a broad European context. The Journal is produced on a voluntary basis by the Journal Manager, the Editors and the External Reviewers. Authors are not asked for Article Processing Charges (APC’s), and readers can read and download all articles for free. 

In this budget-friendly way, the EJLW has developed into a flourishing open access, peer reviewed journal, that is indexed in most of the important bibliographies and directories.

However, as the number of publications continues to grow, the work of the journal manager and of the review editors is increasing as well. This makes it impossible for them to maintain their work on a solely unpaid, voluntary basis. Apart from this, money is required for yearly editors’ meetings, and for expenses like obtaining copy rights of illustrations.

We therefore urgently need financial help to continue publishing one of the most popular open access scholarly journals on life writing, offering a platform to students and scholars, independent or university based.

Please consider donating to support our work. Your donation – any amount helps, but may we suggest a minimum of € 50 – can be transferred to: Stichting European Journal of Life Writing, Rooseveltlaan 207 III, 1079 AS Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IBAN: NL61 RABO 0328 1078 59; BIC: RABONL2U.

Thank you very much for your great help and support!

Dr. Petra van Langen

Journal Manager