New article, creative pieces and book reviews
On behalf of the editorial board of the European Journal of Life Writing, I am very happy to announce that the EJLW has published a new article, three new creative pieces and two book reviews.
Lexie Scherer and Amanda Norman, ‘Sleep ‘self-help’ books: autobiographical evaluations and personal entanglements with reading professional advice books on young children’s sleep. An exploration of the journey through early parenting and managing sleep through two mothers-as-researchers’ perspectives.’
Creative Matters
David Turner, ‘A Reflexive Autoethnografic Fragment: Epiphay in a Milk Float’.
Petra Rau, ‘The Future Imperfect: Memoir and the Family Photograph’.
Gabriele Linke, ‘War Triptych’.
Book reviews
Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar, ‘Dan P. McAdams, The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump. A Psychological Reckoning’.
Volker Depkat, ‘Li Gerhalter, Tagebücher als Quellen: Forschungsfelder und Sammlungen seit 1800‘.
Petra van Langen, Journal Manager