Two new articles now online at the European Journal of Life Writing


We are pleased to announce that the second batch of articles for the current volume (13) of the European Journal of Life Writing is now online. Added to the 2024 edition of our journal are the papers "'I shudder that I exist’. Hadewijch’s Mystical Writings as a Wayward Precursor of Autotheoretical Life-Writing" by Kris Pint, and "The Visual Life Story of a Self-made Economic Man: The Painting Series of Willem Albert Scholten (1819-1892) as an Autobiographical Practice" by Marieke Dwarswaard.

Please also be informed that the European Journal of Life Writing can now be followed LinkedIn!

Other articles that can be found in the current volume are "Life Writing at the Terminus: Glacier Memoirs and Planetary Relationality" by John Zuern and "Marina Warner’s Inventory of A Life Mislaid: An Unreliable Memoir. From Memoir to Filiation Narrative" by Souhir Zekri Masson; and a book review of Virginia Newhall Rademacher's Derivative Lives. Biofiction, Uncertainty, and Speculative Risk in Contemporary Spanish Narrative by J. Ignacio Díez. More articles will be added soon!

On behalf of the editorial team,

Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar