Cluster: Gender and (Auto)pathography from a Transnational Perspective
I am pleased to announce that we just published a cluster at the European Journal of Life Writing site: "Gender and (Auto)pathography from a Transnational Perspective", edited by Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico.
The cluster, which opens with an introduction by Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico, makes a timely contribution to the medical humanities from a life writing perspective. Like all contributions to our journal, it is completely open access. It contains the following contributions:
- "The Violent ‘Trojan Horse’: a Comparative, Transnational Reading of Two Paralysis Narratives" by Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico.
- "A New ‘Stockholm Syndrome’: Physical Impairment and Hospital Confinement as Post-Holocaust Sequelae in Ilona Karmel’s Stephania" by Francisco José Cortés Vieco.
- "‘Women Bleed in Private’ / Miscarriage Goes Public: A Relational Response to Social Silence over Miscarriage in Sarah Ruhl’s Writings" by Noelia Hernando-Real
- "‘Unlearning this Desire to Vanish': Rape, Illness, and the Politics of Testimony in Lucia Osborne-Crowley’s I Choose Elena and Amy Berkowitz’s Tender Points" by Isabel Marqués-López
More articles in the general section of the journal, as well as reviews, are expected in October.
Kind regards,
Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar
Journal Manager