Final publications for the 2024 volume of the European Journal of Life Writing
Dear all,
Today, the final two publications were added to volume 13.
- "Inside the Lives of Comedians — Or Not: Signs of Constructedness and Referentiality in Stand-Up Comedy", by Ida Marie Munck.
- "Queer Tango", a contribution to our Creative Matters section by Dylan Jonas Stone.
With that, we round up the thirteenth volume of our journal. This year, we published thirteen regular academic papers, a cluster on medical humanities containing a further four papers plus introduction, four extensive book reviews, and four creative pieces. With 420 pages in total, I think 2024 can certainly be considered a fruitful year for the European Journal of Life Writing. You can find the entire volume here.
If this email finds you in the northern hemisphere, I wish you a restful winter break, and happy holidays for those who celebrate.
I am already looking forward to starting volume 14, for which the first batch of publications is already expected in late January. For the coming weeks, responses to emails and submissions may be delayed somewhat, for which we hope for your understanding.
Please note that from January 1 onwards, the journal has switched to Chicago Style referencing. Please see our submissions page and style guide for more information.
All the best,
Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar