Volume 14 out now!


We are pleased to announce that the first articles of volume 14 of the European Journal of Life Writing are now online. The 2025 edition of the journal is off to a great start with the papers "Time and The Diary in Captivity, a Case Study: The Diary of Fela Szeps (1942-1944)" by Batsheva Ben-Amos and "Writing under the 'Auto/biographical Demand' in Deborah Feldman’s Unorthodox (2012) and Exodus (2015)" by Szidonia Haragos.

Also online now, are a book review of Samira Saramo' Building That Bright Future: Soviet Karelia in the Life Writing of Finnish North Americans  by Lynn Dominaand Anna Poletti's Stories of the Self: Life Writing after the Book by
Mārtiņš Kaprāns.

As always, you are cordially invited to publish your life writing research, book reviews and creative matters in our journal. Guidelines can be found here or you can contact us at ejlw@rug.nl if you have any questions about the process.

Warm regards, also on behalf of the journal's board and editorial team,

Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar
Journal Manager