Reviews and Reports

Lily Robert-Foley, The Duty to Presence




book review


This book is an extended and formally mixed prose poem on the experience of becoming a mother, and particularly on spending the everyday every day with a baby, observing their development and attempting to record what one perceives. The author, Lily Robert-Foley is an American writer; she is also a translator, university teacher, and artist, and she is a playful thinker with an interest in feminist and queer resistance. Her previous publications range from a novel to a book on experimental translation; this is her first published book of poetry.

Author Biography

Helena Wahlström Henriksson, Uppsala University

Helena Wahlström Henriksson is Professor of Gender Studies and Associate professor in American Literature at Uppsala University. Research interests include feminist cultural studies, critical family and kinship studies, and life writing, and her publications include “Moms, Memories, Materialities: Sons Write Their Mothers’ Bodies.” (a/b -- auto/biography studies, 36.1 Winter 2021); “Bodies Get in the Way: Breastfeeding and Gender Equality in Swedish Handbooks for New Parents” (with Christine Rubertsson, NORA 2021, and the co-edited volume Narratives of Motherhood and Mothering in Fiction and Life Writing (Palgrave 2023).





Reviews and Reports