Three new publications online
We are pleased to announce that the third batch of the current volume (13) of the European Journal of Life Writing is now online.
Added to the 2024 edition of our journal is "Manifestations of Phototext as Hybrid Narratives in Biographies of Ingeborg Bachmann and Sylvia Plath" by Sophie Mayr and "The Physiognomy of an Impossible Return: Relational Geometries Between Autobiography, Narration and Image in Every Day Is for the Thief by Teju Cole" by Niccolò Amelii.
Also available now is a review of Lily Robert-Foley's The Duty to Presence by Helena Wahlström Henriksson.
Please also be informed that the European Journal of Life Writing can now be followed LinkedIn!
There is also an upcoming cluster on medical humanities, so stay tuned!
On behalf of the editorial team,
Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar